Here Today, Where Tomorrow?

As many of you know, we just returned from our amazing trip to Barbados, but me being me, on the plane ride home I was already asking the infamous question – Where should we go next?

Okay what are we aiming for: Driving, flying, cruising? Tropical? Hiking? Site seeing? Historical? Relaxing? Adventurous?  Ahhh, so many options I can’t think straight…. I’m just going to pretend that these issues don’t exist.

It’s not helping that the advertisements in NYC are taunting me at every available opportunity. My train has ads for Carnival Cruises, Grand Central is currently devoting 90% of their ad space to Delta Airlines, and half the people at my job are putting in for vacation time.

I’m extremely tempted to throw a dart at a map to decide where to go next, but that would require me to go out and buy a dart…. And a map.

Someone help me – where should we go? I need travel therapy.

First image via