Cake Batter Truffles

I love baking and experimenting with all different kinds of desserts. One of my favorite parts about making cakes is eating the batter. Half the time it wouldn’t bother me if I didn’t even make the actual cake (I know I have issues.) So when I came across this recipe, I knew I had to give it a shot. This was honestly one of the easiest things I’ve ever made, it took such minimal time, and they look so cute and festive!


Puppy Love

This is my little man Cody. I have joint custody of this baby boy with my parents. Looking at this face makes me melt. He makes me so happy I can’t even express it! Anyone having a bad day, needs to get a pup – All of my bad days can be cured by a cuddle session with Mr. Code. I was just going through my phone and realized over half of my pictures were of Cody. Obsessed much? Thought I should share his cuteness.


My Top Ten Tropical Travel Destinations

[a wooden sign in my apartment, and a constant reminder]

So if you can’t tell by now, I’m a tad beach obsessed. Living in New York, we don’t have the long soft beaches that perfectly mesh with the clear turquoise ocean. We have blueish-brown rough water, where you can’t even see your feet when you are only two inches deep. Don’t get me wrong, I clearly head to these spots as often as I can during the summer, but it just doesn’t compare to the beaches around the world. I look at pictures of these places and just dream about when it will be my time to go there. How do places this beautiful exist?

My top ten tropical destinations:

[Bora Bora]




[Barbados – I can’t wait to check this off my list in less then 1 month!]


[Australia – literally I want to go to the entire Continent. Not kidding.]


[Cabo San Lucas]


Images via [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]

An Infinite Piece of Paradise

One of the things I love the most about going on vacation is lounging on the beach and having the sand between my toes. I love how every beach is unique. Whether it’s the waves, the texture of the sand, the breeze, or the atmosphere. Throughout the years I began taking a small cup of sand from various beaches that I have been to. Seeing them all side by side really shows how one of a kind and rare they really are. When I look at each one I can recall the memories of that vacation or day. By far, my favorite keepsake.


Homemade Peanut Butter Cups

Reese’s peanut butter cups have always been my all time favorite junk food. Peanut butter and chocolate is not something I would have ever thought would go so great together, but the combination is beyond perfection. So clearly when I came across this recipe, I had to give it a shot. I loved that I could give it a personal touch and choose how much peanut butter I wanted in each bite. Yum!

Meet Me in Paradise

[St Thomas, US Virgin Islands; Overlooking Megan’s Bay]

Do you ever have the feeling of just needing a vacation? I feel like this all the time. Not exactly because of where I live or my lifestyle etc, but because I have such a desire to see everything the world has to offer. To see places that are completely unique, places where the history runs so deep, places that a single glance can take your breath away…

The Water Challenge

I have a slight addiction to caffeine – and considering I’m not a fan of coffee – I typically get my fix from diet coke. I drink so much diet coke it’s semi disgusting. A few weeks ago I decided it was time to cut out the soda and attempt to replace it with water. I had no idea how daunting of a task this would be for me…. The headaches were un-imaginable and I felt like I was drowning myself, but I am now averaging 8 glasses of water per day!!! Is it crazy that I’m actually starting to like it? Lets see how long I can keep this going for.

images via

All That Glitters

My favorite nail polish of all time is Essie’s chinchilly– I find I can wear it in the summer and winter alike, and anytime I can’t decide on a polish, its always my default. I was absolutely thrilled a few months ago when I saw essies new luxeffects collection [pictured above] with the color set in stones, I instantly knew it would be the perfect pairing for my chinchilly. Since then I have tried multiple combinations of the two… And as a former sorority girl, you know everything is prettier when you add glitter ❤

The Instant Classic

This past Christmas time at my office, a co-worker made me Oreo Truffles that were insanely amazing! She sent me this recipe and I was instantly floored because I had no idea something I thought was so complex could be so simple. I literally went straight to the supermarket so I could spread the holiday cheer to my friends and family! Lets just say there weren’t any leftovers.

All You Need is Love

Happy Valentines Day!

I have always loved Valentines Day… It’s just a nice little reminder to everyone to express your feelings and show the people that mean the most to you that you care. My favorite part of Valentines day is the cards.. maybe because I have a slight obsession with Papyrus. It’s the little things that count.

What is not to love about this random Tuesday with an exponential amount of chocolate and flowers?

 […love is all you need…]