A Week in Pictures

[a window display outside of Louis Vuitton]

[Even though it has been in the 60’s in New York, I’m still freezing after coming home from the high 80’s weather of Barbados, Enjoying some amazing chicken noodle soup from Devon & Blakely]

[An Easter Sunday visit with the pup]

[A quick view of my favorite building in the city, the Flat Iron]

[An inspring fortune]

[Serious drinks from Blockheads]

[Flowers slowly emerging, just barely showing their gorgeous petals]

Puppy Love

This is my little man Cody. I have joint custody of this baby boy with my parents. Looking at this face makes me melt. He makes me so happy I can’t even express it! Anyone having a bad day, needs to get a pup – All of my bad days can be cured by a cuddle session with Mr. Code. I was just going through my phone and realized over half of my pictures were of Cody. Obsessed much? Thought I should share his cuteness.